hear my original music @ www.PianoDaveUSA.com

Today's Listenworthy

  • Handclaps - Vincent Van Go Go (POP)
  • What Love Is - Erin Boheme (Jazz)
  • Throw It All Away - Zero 7 (Electronic)
  • King of the World - Steely Dan (Classic Rock/Jazz)
  • Wishing - Electric Light Orchestra (Classic Rock)


The Real Music Business

I could talk about record companies - and maybe I'll do that on here at some point - but that's not the real music business. For 99% of musicians out there, the music business involves driving to bars and restaurants, casinos and clubs, setting up equipment and playing for four or six hours on any given night.

Realistically, that's the job. The business is actually getting paid after the job.

I have only been doing this for a few years - and I have already been (as we call it) "burned." I don't feel bad, however. I was burned for around $300. Many of the musicians I work with are still owed thousands of dollars from club owners around New England. And what is their recourse? Basically, nothing. The legal fees would cost more than the money owed... and club owners are well aware that this is usually the case.

Some musicians put together contracts with restaurants - but again, the issue becomes that the legal fees involved with taking a company to court cost more than the money owed.

I could go on and on about the minute details, but the moral of the story is that this is a shady business - dealing with shady people. People who pay late, light or not at all.

Song Du Post: "Aja" - Steely Dan